7 things that happen to the body if we only eat “vegetables and fruits”

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These days, health lovers are probably following the trend of plant-based food or plant-based food. But it’s not even about abstaining from other types of food altogether, because no matter what, eating food that is good for the body must already be in the 5 groups, only when you get older. Emphasizing on fruits and vegetables reduces your intake of excess energy. It is also suitable for the digestive system. and absorb nutrients in the elderly

However, have you ever wondered if If we choose to eat purely fruits and vegetables without touching the meat And other types of food at all. How will our bodies be? UFABET has the answer

1. The body receives a nutritional imbalance / malnutrition.

Although fruits and vegetables contain dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins, as well as carbohydrates, But also lacking protein and fats that are good for the body (Which can be obtained from meat) Fat improves mental functioning. Give energy to the body to do various activities. While protein helps keep muscles strong. and increase the efficiency of the immune system as well Therefore, if you want to eat food, focus on fruits and vegetables but also get protein. Must try to eat grains that contain protein such as beans, quinoa, chia seeds or soy protein enough to meet the needs of the body. In addition, good fats from vegetable oil, olive oil should be eaten regularly.


2. insufficient power

If normally a person who has activities to do all the time, such as having to work hard, walking, running, exercising, etc., but eating only fruits and vegetables May not have enough energy to do these activities. because eating fruits and vegetables may not get enough energy For men who need 2,400-2,800 Kcal per day and women who need 1,800-2,200 Kcal per day if we lack protein. and enough fat That may make our body unhealthy. no energy flattened muscles and do not have enough energy to do various activities If eating pure fruits and vegetables To get enough energy in a day, we may need to eat 100 cups of chopped cabbage, 23 apples and a kilo of prunes, so be sure to eat a variety of grains. enough to provide energy for daily activities Don’t just eat normal fruits and vegetables.

for energy plants can choose to eat bananas or avocado before doing activities that use more energy than usual, such as exercise

3. Some important vitamins and minerals are missing.

There are also some vitamins and minerals that come from meat. or products of animal origin (milk, cheese), such as vitamin B12 that is important to the nervous system and brain, or iron that contributes to the formation of hematopoietic prevent anemia And if eating a lot of green leafy vegetables to add iron to the body In green leafy vegetables, it comes with phytate that is believed to reduce the absorption of some minerals in the body. until it can cause anemia

4. reduce body inflammation

Let’s come to some advantages. Eating pure fruits and vegetables and control the amount of protein and fat to suit the needs of the body It will help reduce both internal inflammation. and outside the body whether it is inflammation from external wounds or inflammation from internal organs in the body, it will gradually get better respectively That’s because the protein from meat, cheese, and processed foods are at risk of causing inflammation in the body.

5. lose weight

Of course, anyone who is interested in losing weight, losing weight, turning to eating more fruits and vegetables causes the body to receive less energy than it used to eat meat. and normal animal fats In addition, eating foods that contain dietary fiber and more water can make the body full And it’s also good for the digestive system.

6. less swelling

Anyone who has ever eaten and felt swollen, swollen face may be due to eating foods that are high in sodium. Eating bad fruits and vegetables is just as flavorful as eating meat. May cause us to eat less sodium than before. therefore feeling less swollen But all of these Some people may have trouble digesting carbohydrates. and sugar from some fruits and vegetables This may cause swelling as well. So it also depends on each person.


7. lower blood cholesterol levels

It is a pleasure for people who want to reduce blood cholesterol. Because if you turn to eat vegetables and fruits seriously Cholesterol in the blood will be significantly less. And it’s even better than taking medication. That’s because fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of dietary fiber. which is an important factor that helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood as well

However, it’s good to have a diet that focuses on fruits and vegetables. but may not have to reach the point of completely abstaining from meat Can avoid eating meat that is low in fat like fish. Skinless chicken to avoid the dangers of malnutrition or get protein and not enough fat But if you really abstain from eating meat Make sure you get enough protein. Or eat good protein like eggs, milk, nuts, enough each day as well.